Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Vintage Apothecary Jars

I had one old glass apothecary jar that was my grandmother's. I always remember it in the display cabinet above her beautiful wooden secretary and it was always full of sugar-free candies. That was a big deal because Grandma never had candy at her house. 

picture from

I recently started collecting more to go with that one. I especially love the curvy ones and they must have lids! But once you have them, what do you put in them? Right now mine are filled with sea shells, but here are some other great ideas...

Here is another take on beach decor.

picture from

Making a terrarium is the next thing I want to try with mine.

picture from

Of course candy always looks great in a glass jar.

picture from

These jars are beautiful and can be used to display just about anything: rocks, vintage reading glasses, antique watches, marbles, small toys, clothespins, lace or ribbon...

picture from

They make great, clean storage in the bathroom and kitchen as well. They take up so little visual space that it won't look cluttered on a counter top. 

Find a variety of apothecary jars for sale in my shop if you are looking for your own to fill.

Please share any other ideas you have for how to use these glass jars.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I love them. I recently filled one up with old wooden thread spools.
